
Archive for July, 2010

Take your pick. There’s the (married) immigration judge in Canada who was sentenced to 18 months in jail for offering to issue a favorable verdict for an asylum seeker in exchange for sex. Not even a regular immigrant, an asylum seeker–someone who was in Canada to flee from a physically abusive father. There’s the new $280 English proficiency test required of all prospective skilled worker immigrants to Canada, even those who have validated degrees from English-speaking universities. And not just people who have degrees from those universities,  but people who have PhDs in English literature from those universities. Meet two of them on the other side of that link. Most disturbingly, there’s the news that more restrictive border policy and this summer’s heat wave have resulted in enough dead Mexican immigrants that the the Pima County morgue in Arizona is running out of space. How can we let these deaths continue to occur in our name? Mexican immigrants only want the same opportunity to work that our ancestors were given x number of generations ago.

It’s a real grab bag of crap. Canada has a more enlightened immigration policy than the U.S., though some would argue that it’s because they don’t share a border with Mexico. I don’t care what the reason is for their enlightenment, I’m just glad for it. So in that sense, it’s a big disappointment to see the current Canadian government looking for technicalities like the language test to obstruct the processes that have been working so well, but at least they are being called out for their unfairness and at least real sickos like this predator immigration judge are being dealt with harshly. In the U.S., things look much less rosy. Yes, much of the Arizona paper-check law has been blocked for now, but that’s really a minor issue when you consider that a majority of the country probably would not support an amnesty for illegals and nowhere even close to a majority would favor going to an Ellis Island 2.0, everyone who passes a medical exam can enter the country-type system.

On the good news front, stories like these are making it much easier for me to decide what sort of law I want to study if I enroll in law school in 2011…

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Phew, magazine internship app completed just in the nick of time! Wish me luck. Now for the links.

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I hate to do this, but I’m going to just do links for one more night. I’m working hard to finish a magazine internship application due this Friday, so please bear with me.

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It was an exceptionally busy day today and I’m tired, so you’ll have to make do with an extra-long list of links for the day. Full coverage returns tomorrow.

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The biggest news of the day: Wikileaks releasing 90,000+ classified documents on the war in Afghanistan. Alleluia! Two quick thoughts:

  1. If you can afford it, donate to Wikileaks here and help them continue to speak truth to power
  2. If you hear or read anyone saying, “Look, this isn’t a big deal, this doesn’t tell us anything we didn’t already know,” ignore that person as a death-worshiping neocon and draw your own conclusion on the story. Nearly every pro-war response to the Wikileaks release has hewed so close to this line that it almost seems orchestrated. A perfectly good example is all-around horrible person Bill Kristol 2.0 Max Boot (HT). The people using this line are the equivalent of the cop at any major accident scene going, “Move along, nothing to see here.”

Coverage-wise, you should start with the main NYT article on it since they were one of three newspapers given access to the files weeks ahead of publication. Another of the lucky three papers was Der Spiegel, and their lead-in page with links to all of their articles can be found here. Make sure you don’t miss their interview with Wikileaks founded Julian Assange, who came up with an instant classic line: “I enjoy crushing bastards.” Justin Raimondo at Antiwar.com pays tribute to Wikileaks, but also reminds us not to forget the brave whistle-blower who made all of this possible, the imprisoned Spc. Bradley Manning. Andrew Sullivan aggregates even more reactions here. Salon republishes some responses from government officials here, including everyone’s least favorite hawk, Joe Lieberman.

My favorite response was actually a very measured and balanced one, coming in this Globe & Mail editorial. Money quote:

If a war is to incur such a high cost, in lives and treasure, and is based on such a nuanced argument, then support for it cannot be taken for granted. Governments have a special duty to speak extensively about operations, including individual combat incidents. They need to disclose the facts – regarding the support of Pakistan or the effectiveness of the Afghan security forces – that underpin the strategy. Where such information is not forthcoming, leaks of raw military intelligence are a necessary, if extreme, service that fills in the picture.

Try to dispute that argument. Even a neocon, if he or she cares about liberal democratic values at home as much as they purport to care about them abroad, should have nothing to argue with in that statement.

My feelings on the case are mainly a deep sense of gratitude to Bradley Manning, Julian Assange and everyone responsible for Wikileaks and a tiny breath of relief as a small bit of optimism creeps back into me and hopes that these revelations might turn public opinion against this awful war once and for all. Westerners have to be moved by these stories of targeted killing squads wearing our uniforms, innocent families accidentally being shot to death and, in the anecdote that was most disturbing to me, a deaf-mute man being shot dead for failing to heed a command to halt. We have to say these horrors–our teenagers coming home in body bags as they protect highways for Hamid Karzai’s dope baron half-brother to make a quick buck, our soldiers being put in bad situations that end up with them putting civilian lives at risk, our soldiers being ordered to do vile things like execute people without trial–will not continue in our name. It’s time that we make Obama earn his Peace Prize and end the war now.

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I came across a pair of interesting, seemingly contradictory stories on secondary education this weekend. The first was a piece in the NYT, bemoaning the fact that America had gone from first to twelfth place in the percentage of adults 25-34 with college degrees. The other was a post on The Economist’s Democracy in America blog about for-profit colleges in America. You would think that if more people are going to for-profit schools like University of Phoenix, America’s college degree rate would be increasing. The discrepancy emerges because of the significantly higher number of people who start programs–university, community college, for-profit, vocational, etc—but don’t finish them.

I think most people would probably assume that we should pin the low completion rate on the cost of education in the U.S. We certainly do pay a lot of money for secondary education here. But it’s my contention that the low completion rate is in large part because of the lowering of standards at pre-secondary levels. (more…)

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A report to Congress from several federal agencies — expected to include strict nutritional definitions for the sorts of foods that could be advertised to children — is overdue, and officials say it could be months before it is ready. Some advocates fear the delay could result in the measure being stripped of its toughest provisions.


Among the requirements under consideration and included in a preliminary proposal by the agencies: Cereals could have only eight grams of sugar per serving, far less than many cereals that are heavily advertised to children (Lucky Charms and Cocoa Pebbles have 11 grams and Froot Loops has 12). The level for saturated fats would be set so low it would exclude peanut butter. And to qualify for advertising, all foods would have to contain significant amounts of wholesome ingredients like whole grains, low-fat milk, fruits or vegetables.

I hate bad food. I have worked very hard to cut the processed junk out of my diet; check out the raw vegan Engine 2 diet if you want to know how I eats. It makes me sad to see the prevalence of obesity in this country–especially among the lower class and among the lower class, especially the children. There are tons of kids starting off life a step behind because their parents don’t know any better, don’t have enough money or don’t care enough to feed them anything but ramen noodles, chicken nuggets and frozen dinners.

But this sort of assault on free speech and free enterprise is NOT the way to solve the problem. (more…)

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Andrew Stuttaford at The Corner had a nice pick-up on Friday. One of the first things Britain’s coalition government did upon taking office was to create one of those cutesy little web 2.0 feedback-and-tag-cloud pages to ask what bad laws should be axed. It was an era of good feelings, with the scrapping of the national ID card plan, honest talk on torture and even discussion of CCTV.

The interesting thing is that by far the most targeted law mentioned by citizens on the government’s website is the smoking ban. I would like to think that it’s because Britons have an exceptionally deep respect for property rights and slippery slopes, but it’s more likely that they like to smoke a fag with their pints. Even that’s a fine reason.

What’s even more interesting is Deputy PM Nick Clegg’s response:

“Of course there are other suggestions which aren’t going to be taken up by this government… the introduction of the death penalty or changing the smoking ban; but at least the debate is now really alive.”

Stuttaford is just as appalled by Clegg’s “of course” dismissal as I am. I like how the same guy responsible for this web 2.0 website is going to legislate his concept of “freedom 2.0” on all Britons. Dear Nick Clegg: this isn’t about smoking. It’s about property rights. You have no right to tell the owner of a private establishment whether people who freely choose to patronize that establishment may or may not smoke there. Drop the high-minded rhetoric until you get a clue.

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America and its flexible language policy and free cinema look great in comparison to Ukraine–Kyiv Post:

Ukraine’s cabinet of ministers is soon expected to change the rules for dubbing movies for cinemas, but society and industry insiders are split in their views over the effects.

On July 13, the Lviv Oblast Council appealed to the cabinet to preserve the current requirement of compulsory dubbing and subtitles in Ukrainian for any foreign movies. But the cabinet, however, is expected to produce a new regulation sometime this summer, requiring that the films be dubbed on Ukrainian territory, but not necessarily in the Ukrainian language.

Here’s an idea: how about government stop meddling in the world of cinema? The only reason for politicians to get involved in this debate is out of some vile nationalist agenda. If people aren’t happy with how films are being subtitled and dubbed, they will stop going. Theaters will lose money and wonder why people are staying away. Once they realize it’s the subtitles and dubbing, they will respond with the product as people want it. That’s how a market works.

Instead of a market, Ukraine gets a rotating cast of Ukrainian nationalist westerners and Russophile easterners engaging in a semi-annual macho showdown over how people will “get” to enjoy their leisure time. Ugh.

I am sure if you asked most people in Ukraine if they would rather (a) pay cheaper prices for movies, (b) have all movies dubbed and subtitled only in Ukrainian or (c) have all movies dubbed and subtitled in Ukraine, they would pick (a). The result would probably be more Ukrainian dubbing in the more Ukrainian-speaking west of the country, and more Russian dubbing in the more Russian-speaking east and south of the country. The Russian-speakers would stand to pay a little bit less for film distribution because they would probably just opt to import movies subtitled and dubbed in Russia, rather than creating their own industry in Ukraine. Some theaters in the Ukrainian-speaking regions might even elect to go with the lower-cost Russian-language content since so many Ukrainians are fluent in Russian, too. And guess what? People would go to movies, they would enjoy themselves and the country would not be subjugated by jackbooted moskal hordes.

Nationalism: dumb idea or dumbest idea?

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